There is more to hair care than just products, proper care includes getting a care regimen and also knowing when to cut the hair. There is a common belief that cutting hair frequently will lead to faster growth.
This article will show you if it is a fact or fiction and will also recommend the best path to instant hair growth. Lordhair cares about your appearance and that is why we have premium hairpieces to cater to your needs and look!
Cutting Hair and Growth
It is important to understand that growth is in cycles. Which means each follicle goes through the active stage to the resting phase. The rate of growth can vary and also can be influenced by genetics, diet, health, and external factors. Contrary to popular belief, cutting or trimming your hair does not directly affect its growth rate but regular cuts can prevent split ends and breakage that can create a healthy environment for your locks to thrive! If split ends are not properly taken care of, they can go up to the hair shaft and cause more damage.
So, When Should You Cut Your Hair?
This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Normally, a trim every 8-12 weeks is considered okay to maintain nice ends. However, there are some individuals with special hair types who may not need regular trims or those who are just trying to grow their tresses.
Regular Inspection
Check your locks often for signs of split ends or damage, if you notice any form of split ends, you should get a cut sooner than later to prevent further breakage.
Some people have found out that their locks respond differently to certain seasons. So they adjust their trimming schedule to factors like humidity, exposure, and change in temperature.
Different hair practices can contribute to damage like heat styling, chemicals, and harsh products. If your locks frequently experience it, you should trim often.
Ultimately, your growth pattern and needs are important to determine when to cut your hair. In addition to regular trims, some tips can help you to encourage faster growth.
Tips to Grow Your Hair
Scalp Massage
Every day, spend around four minutes massaging your scalp by hand or with a scalp massager machine. The massage helps your locks grow thicker, which will keep them appearing full and excellent as they grow longer. A massage not only makes your locks thicker but also feels good and relieves tension.
Protein Intake
The keratin that makes up your hair is supported by a diet high in protein. Since keratin is a protein, increasing your protein intake will help to support healthy growth. Eat lean, nutritious meals to encourage glossy, long hair without packing on a lot of extra calories, such as eggs, chicken breast, or plant-based protein.
Iron and Zinc Intake
Consume foods high in minerals, such as shellfish, whole grains, legumes, and spinach, and other dark, leafy greens. Graying tresses, slowed growth, or even hair loss can occur when iron and zinc levels are low. Your age, gender, and lifestyle all influence how much iron and zinc you require. Consult your physician before modifying your daily mineral consumption. Consider including a daily multivitamin into your wellness routine if you have trouble getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals from your food alone.
Essential Oils
Select your preferred oil from the following options, rosemary, peppermint, lavender, tea tree, or thyme. Dilute two to three drops in approximately two fluid ounces (59 milliliters) of carrier oil such as grapeseed, jojoba, or even olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair as you would a conditioner, let it sit for half an hour, and then wash. As a test, apply a drop of your preferred oil to the back of your wrist. It’s okay to apply the oil to your hair if an hour goes by and you do not experience any irritation. You should never put pure essential oils in your hair. They have a lot of dominance and could harm rather than promote growth.
Avoid Heat Sources
Over time, using curling irons or hair dryers excessively weakens hair. When possible, let your hair air dry or use a blow dryer on the lowest heat setting. Try to work quickly and minimize the amount of time the hot elements of a curling iron or straightener are in contact with your hair. Instead of using hot rollers, use Velcro or sponge rollers. Your hair will grow more slowly if it is damaged by heat and is more prone to breaking.
Manage Stress
Persistent worry or stress can stop growth or lead to hair loss. To combat stress and safeguard your locks, attempt to include exercise in your daily or weekly routine in addition to getting enough sleep and rest. To deal with tense or upsetting circumstances, try relaxing techniques like yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. When you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, be in the company of positive individuals. If you’re finding it difficult to control your stress on your own, you might want to seek advice from a therapist or counselor.
Restore Your Hair Instantly
Remember that cutting is a procedure that requires persistence and time to provide noticeable results. Do you want to fix your tresses without going through any medical procedures or using any medications? The fastest and safest fix is available now! Lordhair quality hairpieces, available in both women’s and men’s wigs and toupees, will help you rapidly regain your confidence. We offer hairpieces in a variety of sizes and styles to meet your demands.
Champion Men’s Toupee
This lightweight and airy full French lace toupee gives you a natural appearance. It is among the most cozy and long-lasting hairpieces.
Tammy Women’s Wig
This silk top hairpiece makes you appear incredibly natural and confident.
Bottom Line
Caring for your locks with regular cuts consistently with patience can help you achieve maximum results, while you treat your hair, get yourself to a confident look instantly with Lordhair hairpieces!